Ancient Traditions Meets Modern Technology
Inside Who You Are
Inside you
are the elements
Air, Water, Fire, Earth
and Ethers
creating balance
Inside you
lives a genius
Awaken dormant DNA
unlock your specific
gene keys
Inside you
is your truth
gut feelings
tune in
Juliana Arango
transpersonal therapist
I am a transpersonal therapist, spiritual coach, Kundalini yoga instructor, energy/body/womb worker, shamanic practitioner, psychosomatic rehabilitator for children in NY, spoken word artist, writer, dancer, traveler, translator, and cacao ceremonialist.Having spent the last 7 years transforming myself from the inside out, diving deep into indigenous wisdom, modern therapies, personal development, numerology, human design, yoga, & traveling to sacred sites, I’ve learned the art of transformation. The journey is unique to each individual and requires the cultivation of self-love, self-knowledge, a healthy lifestyle, daily practice, and nurturing relationships.I offer the tools and guidance that empower awakening souls to see into their own hidden realms, make their unconscious conscious, and cultivate the courage to trust their intuition, undo their past, get clear on their future, and live in the present moment.

Who you are
is free from suffering
with a large capacity
to tend to pain
honoring the humane
Who you are
is meant for greatness
reprogram your mind
recreate your reality
remember your innate power
Who you are
is unique & different
learn your soul blueprint
orient toward an integrated self
set higher standards
Work With Me
We may not be responsible for the world that created our minds, but we can take responsibility for the mind with which we create our world. - Gabor Mate
Inside you
lives your inner child
full of wonder
develop connection
access heart-centered
Inside you
exists both light & dark
peel back the veils
with loving awareness
see which parts
choose to transform
Inside you
is a guru
that knows
how to live
in love
Sacred Union Interviews
Based on the Eagle & Condor Prophecy
Who you are
is free from suffering
with a large capacity
to tend to pain
honoring the humane
Who you are
is meant for greatness
reprogram your mind
recreate your reality
remember your innate power
Who you are
is unique & different
learn your soul blueprint
orient toward an integrated self
set higher standards
Kundalini yoga
Kundalini Yoga
The Yoga of Awareness, Activation and Ascension
The Yoga of Awareness, Activation and Ascension is called Kundalini Yoga for its non-dogmatic, decentralized, ancient, scientific approach to help people actualize their Higher Self by turning potential energy into kinetic energy through Kriyas.There exists thousands of Kriyas for every spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical ailment you can think of, passed down through ancient India to meet our modern needs today. Kriyas are a “complete action” combining mantra, breath, movement and meditation to achieve a specific outcome.
Heart-Centered therapy
Heart-Centered Therapy
Heal past trauma by accessing
the wisdom of your Heart
A 1.5 hour psychosomatic and transpersonal focused session to heal unresolved emotional trauma from the past.Do you feel ready to dive in and transform?
HCT is a loving approach to spiritual-emotional healing that entrusts the voice of the Heart to guide one’s personal process to wholeness.
The healing includes not only the individual, but also everyone that has been involved in the trauma, embracing the immediate family, the family lineage, and the collective consciousness.
Together we tune into your heart through a gentle, respectful process without reliving the trauma. Personal issues and conflicts come to resolution through love, acceptance, and transformation of the whole being.This therapy, unlike any other, was created by Alaya Chikly after many, many years of mental, physical, energetic and emotional healing.This service is for people who want a taste of transpersonal therapy without an ongoing commitment to work with me. You may also gift it to a friend you know is on a healing journey and would benefit.After our session you’ll receive tools to continue doing the inner-work on your own. This will include recorded personalized affirmations to help you anchor in the new empowering beliefs that were developed in the session. As well as an inner-child meditation that allows you to continue fostering a loving connection with your true self.
During & after therapy:
Subconscious reprogramming
Inner child rescripting
Connection with spiritual guide
Healing phrases
New behavior implementation
Follow up inner child guided meditation
Follow up personalized affirmations
Reparenting Through a Non-Dual Lens Therapy/Coaching Program
Overcome Past Woundings and Ground in the Present MomentHeal Ancestrally via Family ConstellationsLearn to regulate your nervous system via Kundalini YogaBreathe life into your dreamsLearn Your Specific genetic energetic blueprint via human design & numerologyDeepen Your Mind-Body-Spirit HealingSkyrocket Your Confidence & Creativity

I am a professional holistic therapist and tranformational coach trained in various indigenous, modern, and therapeutic approaches to becoming self-liberated. This coaching package is for individuals who feel ready to dive deep into their inner world in order to tranform their life.Reparenting as I teach and understand it is the art of connecting with the grand tree of life which is feminine; kundalini-shakti, vital-life force energy, what gives life, so it can also be called re-mothering. As a therapist and coach I step into the place of a nurturer, truth-teller, and guide you through deep processes that clear emotional blockages in the way from your true self emerging.With the systems of Numerology and Human Design I personalize my approach according to your energy type and specific life path. You’ll discover what your purpose is here, how to best make decisions, what your strategy for living in alignment is, and many more things about your unique nature.I meet you exactly where you are and customize tools, methodologies, Yoga, quantum meditations, affirmations, ceremonies, psychotherapeutic and somatic therapies to help you break free. Free from your old limiting self and rebirthed into an empowered, confident, healthy, wealthy, regulated, fully expressed creative powerhouse.
What The 4 Month Journey Includes:
Personalized Kundalini Kriya video (35-60 mins) to do daily in the morning or evening
Heart-Centered Therapy sessions to reprogram and rescript the inner child
Family Constellations session & systemic movements
Oracle Writing Workshop
Human Design Reading
Numerology Reading
Nutrition Support
Altar Creation (work with elements and prayer)
Journaling exercises
3 (1.5 hour) calls with me a month
Ongoing support via whatsapp throughout the week
EFT Tapping
Somatic Experiencing
Energy Clearings
Personalized Quantum Teachings

Dive inside to discover all the secrets of the Universe with me as your loving, truthful guide.I only work with soul-mate clients. To ensure we're the right fit, please book a free 30 minute discovery call.Investment Price: $2000 for 4 months paid-in-full
Or, $555 monthlyTestimonials:I am an energy efficiency consultant and sound therapist. During my therapy and coaching with Juliana, I felt completely safe. She intuitively understood the root of what was troubling me and effortlessly connected different aspects of my life that were impacting me. Juliana guided me to my own realization about the core issue, and this work has already dramatically shifted my life.The work was powerful because we not only identified the root of my struggles but also energetically released it from my field. After just one session, the dynamics of the men I was attracting into my life changed immediately—I noticed a significant difference. There was an old wound, passed down through my grandmother's lineage, that was unconsciously causing me to attract men who would 'hurt me.' With ease, safety, and gentleness, Juliana created a space for me to confront and release this ancestral pattern.I was amazed by how much I shifted in just one session! Juliana’s sessions are shamanic, deeply intuitive, and heart-centered. She also helped me connect more fully with my heart space and tune into the messages my own heart was sending. It was profound, transformative work, and I have already recommended her to several friends.-Sara Michelle Taylor
Life path # 31/4Juliana has a deeply cultivated sense of intuition. Some years ago, she did a numerology reading which predicted that my life would radically change at 29. That year, I not only transitioned out of my MFA program and made the decision to dedicate myself full time to writing, but I also moved through an intensive reconciliation process with a friend, effectively putting an end to a three year conflict between us. Perhaps most importantly, I met the person who I hope will become a lifelong partner. Juliana is deeply invested in her own processes of healing and transformation. It is through the compassion born from that journey of self understanding that she will continue to touch the lives of others. Attuned to her own heart, she listens with care, love and grace, modeling the way she hopes we will continue to hold ourselves.-Yessica Martinez
Life path # 29/11Fostering a mental and body connection by healing the inner child was unheard of in my world. However, not being a skeptic I wanted to undergo this personally guided by someone with experience. I discovered Juliana’s ability to see me as my true and divine self, while allowing me the space to discover the ways I’ve handled trauma and how it figures out and surfaces to this day was remarkable. I see how important it is to take care of the body and release trauma. Without undergoing the somatic therapy sessions with Juliana, I wouldn’t have continued to hear my inner child and become okay with what he’s gone through, continuing to heal and help myself through this current state.-Nicholas Melendez
Life path #32/5Sitting in a supported Heart Centered Therapy session with Juliana, we were able to unbox and journey through stored memories, and emotions of mine. Being able to work through moments of impact in my life was a liberating experience. I was able to experience potent releases in a very safe and held container. The coaching and space Juliana provided created a tasteful amount of tender nurturing, deep focus, and powerful proficiency!-Lizzy Winn
Life path 38/11
40-Day Kundalini Program
with a personalized Kriya to meet your unique needs!
About the 40-Day Kundalini Program
For awareness, activation, ascension & aspiration
To Awaken & Integrate Your Higher Self
Your Higher Self is the part of you that turns on when balance, focus, grit, trust, safety, peace, compassion, joy, and love are anchored. In other words, these higher levels of awareness become natural states of being in your daily life when you’re tapped in, tuned in, and turned on. It’s the version of you that has a regulated nervous system and can therefore work through any problem with creative solutions. That’s the goal of Kundalini Yoga; to connect you with your awakened core self through Kriyas, or “complete actions” combining mantra, breath, movement, mudras and meditation to achieve a specific outcome.The Yoga of Awareness, Activation and Ascension is called Kundalini Yoga for its non-dogmatic, decentralized, ancient, scientific approach to help people actualize their Higher Self by turning potential energy into kinetic energy through Kriyas.There exists thousands of Kriyas for every spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical ailment you can think of, passed down through ancient India to meet our modern needs today. Kriyas are a “complete action” combining mantra, breath, movement, mudras and meditation to achieve a specific outcome.I combine my therapeutic training and Numerology to personalize a Kriya specific to your needs. After our consultation call that includes a Numerology reading, I get a better sense of which Kriya best suit you. Within 1 week you’ll receive your guided 60 minute practice, and together we begin the journey.
“Kundalini Yoga is the science to unite the finite with Infinity.” –Yogi Bhaja
This program is for you if you are wanting to
Open up spiritually
Connect with your life purpose
Reclaim balance & health at the foundational level
Tap into the power within you
Heal anxiety & ease stress
Improve cognitive functioning
Strengthen your nervous system
Boost self-appreciation
Enhance self-awareness
What’s Included
1-hour Initial Consultation + Numerology Reading
60-minute Personalized Kriya Kundalini Yoga practice video recording for daily practice through the program
3 x 15-minute phone calls with me at the beginning, middle and end of your 40 day journey
Methology & Practices
Pranayama (breathing)
“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” –Carl Jung, author of The Psychology of Kundalini Yoga
Sacred union
The Sacred Union series are individual interviews asking couples who embody the Eagle-Condor prophecy about their personal life and relationship. Through these interviews we can sense the awakening of higher consciousness thus becoming inspired to live in harmony through our relations, becoming a bridge for the mind and the heart to merge in unison.Sacred Union: A couple that is not codependent but instead radically works on their inner world to show up to the relationship as a whole person, and from this place of wholeness walk hand in hand in love and freedom.

Eagle & Condor Prophecy
The ancient legend told in both the Andes and the Amazon of Peru goes like this:
500 years beginning around the 16th century would be a period in which the Eagle way of life would dominate the world, warning of a split between humankind into two people.The Eagle people would be conquerors dominating the land, manipulating nature, extracting from her the natural resources to create technological advancement. They would be intelligent, strong and powerful with a great talent for destruction, using their power to enslave, destroy and kill. They could not however, feel the pain of others. They could not feel the Earth dying, they would not know they were killing her.The Condor People, those who embodied receptive and intuitive wisdom would be almost wiped out. We see this in history with the destruction and reduction of indigenous people, the weakening of their earth-based ways of life and the extensive damage performed on the Earth’s ecosystems over the past 500 years.The prophecy states at the end on the cycle, roughly around 1990, an opportunity would appear for these two types to co-exist and cooperate, moving forward into a future that would honor both strategies (mind and heart) to living, and bring the Earth back into balance.We are now living in critical times where the future of our planet depends on our ability to anchor in both the love and compassion for the Earth and it’s creatures, and the technology and foresight required to save them. Only when these two energies learn to work together, restoring balance, can they fly together recreating a healthy world.
We’ve reached this crossroad, it is now the time to fulfill the prophecy, to awaken our consciousness. The prophecy only speaks of the potential meaning it is up to us to act with courage and ensure that a higher consciousness is allowed to rise.This series was born out of my own desire to harmonize my personal relationships and with the Earth we live on. Since diving into attachment trauma healing it has become paramount to me to share the connection between healthy relationships as the base for a healthy planet. Secure attachment in adult relationships gives us the necessary tools to evolve our consciousness into one that reflects unity with all of life.
Sacred Union Interviews
Inside Who
“Look deeper, inside yourself is infinite wholeness”

Juliana Arango
Transpersonal Therapist
I am a trauma-informed transpersonal therapist, transformational coach, Kundalini yoga instructor, energy/body/womb worker, shamanic practitioner, psychosomatic rehabilitator for children in NY, spoken word artist, writer, dancer, traveler, translator, and cacao ceremonialist.Having spent the last 7 years transforming myself from the inside out, diving deep into indigenous wisdom, modern therapies, personal development, numerology, human design, yoga, & traveling to sacred sites, I’ve learned the art of transformation. The journey is unique to each individual and requires the cultivation of self-love, self-knowledge, a healthy lifestyle, daily practice, and nurturing relationships.I offer the tools and guidance that empower awakening souls to see into their own hidden realms, make their unconscious conscious, and cultivate the courage to trust their intuition, undo their past, get clear on their future, and live in the present moment.I connect humans from all walks of life with their ancestors, inner-child, higher self, breath and Earth, through ancient and modern healing modalities and systems, tailored to the individual’s soul blueprint, past woundings, life path destiny and personal desires. We work as a team to discover who you really are, and help you live an empowered, balanced life.Every service be it individual, group, one-off or coaching package, we go on an inner journey guided by the 7 directions & 4 elements, opening up a sacred & safe space to integrate new insights rooted in Love & Truth.In service to the expansion of consciousness, from dark to light, wounded to wholesome.
Bachelors in Psychology from SUNY New Paltz
Heart-Centered Therapy- Alaya Chikly
Neuro-Emotional Technique- Dr. Teshna Beaulieu
Attachment Communication Technique- Dr. Levy
200 Hr Vinyasa YTT- Mama Yogui Escuela de Yoga
Transformational Coaching- Earth Pulse Academy
Usui Reiki Master- Omega Institute Brett Bevell
Family Constellations- HAR'ATORA